
In this information age we live in, the adjustment has not been easy for everyone. I seek to assist those who want to keep up with the times by providing a solid functional WordPress website.

My name is Jerome Johnson, Jr. I have been designing websites since 2011. I picked up social media marketing in 2012. Finally, I developed a skill set in SEO (Search Engine Optimization).  In summation, I do my best to take your imagination and put it on screen for the world to see.

I graduated from Beverly Hills High School and majored in Computer Science at Morehouse College.  Certified in Hootsuite since 2014.




digital marketing company owner

Skill No.

01. Web Design

Every business needs a website. I’ll help you design one that is ready for the 21st century and up to date on what people expect from your online presence.

Skill No.

02. Social Media

I help manage your social media profiles to help you engage with your online audience as well as expand your reach to more demographics.

Skill No.

03. Consulting

I assess everything about your web presence from your website to social media and SEO.

Skill No.

04. SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is what I do to help rank your website in the search engines such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing.